Our teams have decades of experience in designing and developing solutions across business process management platforms.
Bitia is an Elite Partner of ProcessMaker, the award-winning low-code BPM platform for ‘digital process automation.
Among the key benefits in adopting a BPM platform, speed of development is certainly a key decision driver.
The modeling environment, allows business processes to be designed and developed in a matter of days, releasing a fully functioning application once the design phase is complete.
The ProcessMaker modeler conforms to the BPMN 2.0 standard, effectively also constituting a decidedly intuitive environment for documenting one’s processes.
Automating processes across multiple departments and systems to eliminate manual tasks, data silos and bottlenecks improves visibility and process monitoring throughout your organization.
This capability of BPM platforms provides companies with the opportunity to integrate ERP and MRP systems to extend their capabilities but more importantly to streamline processes.
In addition to ease of integration into enterprise systems, BPM platforms can provide a better user experience : in fact, once the process has been developed, tasks can be managed by the user from any device, thanks to the platforms’ ability to build responsive forms and dashboards and integrated with services inside and outside the company.
The implementation of paperless solutions is probably the area in which BPM platforms provide the greatest efficiency gains : in addition to the digitization of paper forms, which is a huge resource saver in itself, processes can be integrated with document systems and electronic signature services to fully automate traditional processes that are a drag on the agility that business users require.