From design to maintenance

Bitia’s offer does not end with the execution of the project, but continues with the customer’s option of activating the application maintenance service to give continuity of operation to the solution in line with the business model. The service can also be provided for systems realised by third parties, on which Bitia is able to manage knowledge acquisition as a preparatory phase to maintenance activities.

Maintain, Change or Improve?

Methodologies and tools exist to support the measurement of ‘maintainability’ of software applications. These tools focus on indices such as the ‘Robustness’, ‘Portability’, ‘Complexity’ and ‘Security’ of the application. The ‘health status’, correlated to the ‘business value’ of the application, provides with a good degree of approximation the optimal business strategy to be implemented towards an application (decommissioning, improvement, maintaining the current situation): Bitia supports the customer in the context of optimal strategies and technological choices aimed at perfecting and constantly improving the operation and performance of the system, to ensure the coherence of the entire solution with the evolution of processes and technologies.

Value-added activities

The ‘baseline’ of the application maintenance service can be dimensioned according to the customer’s needs, defining the service window and schedule, and the help desk level. Our teams remotely support business and ICT users of numerous companies in Italy and worldwide. In addition to maintenance activities (problem detection, bug fixing, user support for ‘how to use’, performance monitoring, testing and release of new releases, updating and alignment of software versions) the service includes analysis and evaluation activities of change requests aimed at extending and improving the set of application functionalities.